Next Foundations, Starts July 7th! DM Coach Cara. [email protected] if you have any friends or family that are interested in joining the community!

Phase #4 Details found here!

Sumo Deadlift

– Building in sets of 5s
– 12 minutes, 8 sets, every 90 seconds
– Apply a 3 second negative to all reps on the down portion

EMOTM X 3 Rounds: 40 on/ 20 off;

Min 1: Single Arm Crossbody RDL
– Using a single DB or KB
– Perform 20 seconds each side
Min 2: Goblet Stepups
– Using a single DB or KB
– Perform 20 seconds each side
Min 3: Hamstring Plank

Tabata X 6 Rounds @ each: (9 minutes)

Alternating Toes to Bar or Alternating V-ups
Superman Extension Hold
Russian Twist with plate

*Perform all 6 rounds at one station before moving on to the next!