2 Rounds: 1 Minute ON/ 15 Seconds OFF
(7 minutes)
Box Assisted HS Pike Walks,
– CW & CCW, 30 seconds in each direction
– Perform from toes or knees on a 20-24″ box height
Hollow Hold/ Superman Extension
– Spend 30 seconds in each position
Bent Over Plate Raise: Alternating “Y” and “T” position
– Using little to no weight, perform slow with control!

Bench Press

– Build to heavy 3 for the day
– Apply a 1 sec. pause in the bottom of each rep
– 12 minutes, 8 Rounds, every 90 seconds

Every 3 Minutes: 2 Minutes ON/ 1 Minute OFF X 4 Rounds;

Single or Double Arm Devil’s Press X 6 reps
– You choose single or double, depending on your skill level
Pushups X 20/15 reps
*Finish each round with max reps: Double unders!
– Optimize to single unders, Penguin Hops or lateral hops if needed!
– Reduce pushups by 5 reps at a time in order to leave at least 30 seconds of each round for the jumprope!

*Score is total double unders for each round!