We look forward to having you back in our space to train as a community. While we are beginning to meet in-person, please understand that we will be reinforcing best-practices to keep our space clean and safe. In order toget through this, we will need to act vigilant, as a team. You in?
We want you to know that as things progress and evolve, we too will be evaluating our layers and guidelines, readyand willing to eliminate barriers as we receive permission from our city’s leaders. For now, classes will beginoutside on our back landing, eventually making their way indoors. In the meantime, we are thankful to have theability to host outdoor classes, as we are one of the lucky few to have a clean, gated area behind our building.
Before returning to class, here’s what you need to know:
Our temporary 2-week schedule for outdoor classes is now live on our website. You can also access this scheduleby reserving your spot for any of our training times using our ZenPlanner Member app.
Here’s how it works:
FIRST: Download the ZenPlanner Members App. Your username is your email address you provided when you signed up at Defined. If you do not remember your password, no worries; just reset it.
THEN: Sign up for your first class!
We’re ALL learning. As we begin to train together, we ask that you please adhere to the following best-practices:
- No cutoff on how late you can book a class
- You can cancel up to 12 hours in advance
- Waitlist of up to 5 people
- Athletes can schedule up to 4 classes per week. (This filter can be eliminated after 1-2 weeks, after we have evaluated the needs of our community)
Don’t use apps? Check out the desktop version here.
Back Squat
– Warmup up to a challenging 5 rep working weight,
– Take 10 minutes, building in sets of 5s,
– Apply a 3 second pause in bottom position for each rep
*Weight should feel challenging but something you can repeat for at least 5 sets of 5 while maintaining the 3 second pause for all reps!
Perform the following: Every 2.5 minutes X 3 Rounds; (8 minutes)
Back Squat X 5 reps with pause
– Using working weight from Part A.
*Follow with: Bent Over Single Arm Row X 10 reps each side
– Pause at the top of each rep for 1 second. Show control!
– Weight should feel heavy and challenging for reps 8-10!
Rest remaining of each round!
5 Minute Amrap
30 X Double Unders
– Sub 60 singles if needed!
10 X Clapping Pushups
– Optimize to any style of pushup that challenges you but allows you to finish 10 in a row each round!
Rest 2 Minutes
5 Minute Amrap
30 X Double Unders
– Sub 60 singles if needed!
10 X Single Arm Snatch, alternating
*Hustle Goal: Complete 5 rounds at each amrap!