CrossFit North Central Regionals Weekend Schedule at Navy Pier.
A. 5 Rounds: 30 ON/ 30 OFF
Double Unders, max effort
B. Build up to 65%-75% of your 1RM Deadlift
E.O.M.O.T.M- 14 minutes
Odd minutes: Deadlift 65-75% X 5 with pace 222x, 30 ON/ 30 OFF
Even minutes: Toes to bar X 10, unbroken
Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform Deadlifts x 5 reps with pace for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds between rounds. On even rounds perform 10 toes to bar unbroken. The first round you fail to complete all 10 reps unbroken, whatever number you were able to perform unbroken you keep for all rounds following. Alternate between the two stations for 14 minutes or 7 rounds each.
C. 3 Rounds:
1 minute of Farmers Carry: heavy as you can hold!
1 minute of Superman Flutter kicks with med ball, heavy as you can hold!
Rest 30 seconds between rounds