Have any friends or family that are interested in joining the Defined community!

DM Coach Cara for details at [email protected]

Next Foundations: September 12th!

Week 4/4

Holiday, Labor Day!

Strength Focus: Seated Strict Press, Strict Chinups
Conditioning Elements: Dynamic Plank, Single Arm Thruster, Double unders

Strength Focus: Back Squat
Conditioning Elements: Single Leg Rotational Medball Toss, Single Leg Squat, Farmer’s Carry, Run, Wallballs, Single Arm Snatches, Toes to bar

Strength Focus: Bear or Bull Complex, Dips
Conditioning Elements: Copenhagen Plank, Deathmarch, Power Clean & Jerk, Burpees


*Full training details can be found in SugarWOD. Contact us at [email protected] for access.