Schedule Reminder:
5:30am WOD
Noon WOD
5pm WOD
6pm WOD

A. Take 15 minutes-
1 Power Jerk + 2 Split Jerks: Tech work

Options today! We will have 2 paths for you to choose from: If you are attending our Murph event on Saturday choose Option C. If you will not be able to attend our Murph Event, we will bring it to you! Choose Option B.

Option B:

For time: 25 minute time cap
1 mile Run (or row)
followed by 10 Rounds of the following:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Airsquats

Option C:

1. Handstand work/strength- Take 10 minutes
Beg: Box assisted handstand holds: 5 Sets X 30-60 second holds, rest as needed
Int: Box assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 10, rest as needed
Adv: Wall assisted handstand pushups: 5 sets X 12, rest as needed
-Get in as many sets as possible in time given.

2. 3 Rounds:
Row 500 meters
Rest 2 minutes
*Recording fastest overall
