Schedule Reminder:
5:30am WOD
Noon WOD New class!
5pm WOD New Class!
6pm WOD

A. Hollowbody review-
Tabata: 10 Rounds, 20 on/10 off
Alternating between
Hollowbody holds
Superman extensions

B. Take 12 minutes-
Kipping Pullup Mini Workshop- “Murph” Preparation

Beginner and Intermediate athletes will be working with a coach to perfect, fix, and identify faults in your current technique.

Kipping pullups take time to master. Don’t expect to walk away from this session with your technique perfected. The kipping skill is always a work in progress. Our goal is for you to walk away from this with 1 or 2 fixes that might assist in putting together the movement in your own personal kipping skill sessions. Good Luck and have fun, if you’re practicing regularly, they will come in no time!

Advanced: You have 2 options-
1. Weighted Pullups: 5 Sets of 5-10 reps
2. Start working on the Butterfly technique. It is the fastest and most efficient way to string together high volume sets.

C. For time:
30 Backsquats 95/65lbs
30 Bar facing Burpees
30 Front Squat 95/65lbs
30 Bar facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
30 Bar facing Burpees
*20 minute time cap
