Week 2/4
Friday: 7pm WOD replaced with our CrossFit Caliente Winter Mixer! Bring a friend and bring some drinks and food to share! Potluck and social to follow!

3 Rounds: 1 Minute on/ 15 Seconds off
Muscle Up Skill Training: (3 options)
Level 1: Ring Rows with pause
– pause at the top and bottom of each rep
(Choose this option if you are working on the strength for your 1st pullup)
Level 2: Transition Drill #1 or Drill #2
(Choose this option if you have strict pullups but have yet to master the MU technique)
Level 3: Muscle up to slow negative
(Choose this option if you can do Muscles up but want to build on the efficiency and stamina in performing them)
Seated Z Press with Dbs
Hollow Hold & Superman Extension (30/30)

Wendler: Week 2, Strict Press: Take 12 minutes

When working with a Wendler progression, base your percentages from what is called a “working 1RM”. You can find this number by taking your most current 1RM and multiply it by .9 which will give you 90% of your 1RM which equals your “working 1RM”.
*All percentages below are based on your “working 1RM”.

Warmup Sets: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Work Sets: 3×70%, 3×80%, 90% X Max Reps, Unbroken
(Goal for Week 2: 5+ reps)

*Record weight used and total number of reps achieved for today’s max effort set!

For time: (10 minute cap)
21-15-9 reps of the following;
Power Cleans
Front Squats

*Barbell weight should be no more than 45% of C&J or 40% of Front squat. Something you can string at least 10 reps at a time of either the Power Clean or Front Squat.


  • Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, Feb. 2nd! Email [email protected] to register your spot!
  • FREE Community Workout, “Lift & Learn“, Sat. Feb. 1st. 11am-Noon. Register Here! 
  • Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the facility!