Fight 2 Give Charity Event – Nov 2nd
Week of Testing: Day 4
A. Take 12 minutes-
Pull up Cage Skill/strength work:
Beginner: Partner assisted Strict Pullups
Intermediate: Partner assisted Strict Bar Muscle Ups
Advanced: Partner assisted Strict Ring Muscle Ups
-The focus is building strength in the movement, keep it strict and push out as many rounds and reps as possible in time given!
B. Row time trial-
500 meter Row, Best of 2 attempts!
-Row 500 meters, Rest 2 minutes, Repeat!
*Recording fastest of 2 attempts
C1. 5 Minute Amrap-
Max reps KB Swings 55/35lbs
Rest 5 minutes
C2. 5 Minute Amrap-
Max reps Double Unders
D. “Bring Sally Up”
Backsquat 135/95lbs
-30 Reps with holds. Click on the video above for a sneak peak into how we are ending the day!