GNT #2 – April 14th, 2020

That’s right, team. It’s Good News Tuesday.

First things first: In a recent interview with Coach David, we learned that he’s made a surprising amendment to his policy on “hugs.” Should our local and federal governments alter their stance on social distancing, he does confirm saying, “I’ll give hugs to get the gym open ASAP.” While we can’t officially condone or enact this practice, we do think this is some pretty GOOD NEWS.

Onto the meat and potatoes:

Defined Introduces SugarWOD.

Defined’s programming will now be offered SugarWOD! 

SugarWOD is an interactive app that allows athletes to give and receive support for teammates, access gym programming, track their own progress and PRs, and join a gym leaderboard.

Help us build Defined’s online community!


2. JOIN “CrossFit Defined” online community.

3. USE Code “morethanagym” to make it FREE for you!

4. ACCESS programming anywhere.

5. ADD all CrossFit Defined FRIENDS & build your community.

Stay Committed.

Motivation and commitment are one in the same.

Log your attendance on or before every Tuesday for the week prior.

We’ll celebrate YOU and announce our Top Dogs at the end of the month.


Join Zoom Class! Join here daily @ 12p & 5p.

Consistency, accountability, and muscles are growing every week. We’re seeing 20+ athletes in each class, and that’s something to be proud of.

DON’T FORGET: Zoom classes include Daily Programming with progressions, Mobility, Team WOD, Flex Friday, and Recovery Yoga. 

Not sold on online classes? We get it. 

Join in dark mode with your video/audio turned off. If your video is ON, we can coach your form and encourage your progress. If it’s OFF, you can still build accountability for yourself. 

Support Your Local Box

Registration and score submissions are ongoing. It’s not too late to join us.

Workouts will be announced on Friday and programmed for Defined on Mondays.

Currently, Defined has 75 athletes participating: 47 men + 28 women!  


Check out our current leading athletes:

Men Rx

1st: Kyle B, Justin J, Bastian L. 

2nd: Chris L.

3rd: Niko P. 

Women Rx

1st: Alex C. 

2nd: Tracy D. 

3rd: Jana 

Last, but not least, don’t forget about…


These targeted accessory programs are designed to help you dive deeper into your motivation around health and fitness. Click the links below for full programs! Also accessible through SugarWOD.

TRACKS: Pick 1-2 tracks and stay committed for the 4 weeks! 





While this concludes GOOD NEWS TUESDAY, our good vibes are ongoing.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your coaches if you need anything. And remember: there’s a hug from Coach David at the end of the tunnel.

Stay Strong. Team Defined