Lakeview Training:
9a, 10a, 11a – KB WODs
12p – On Ramp Graduation for “Swol Soldiers”
1p to 3p – Open Gym
Lincoln Square Training:
9a – KB WOD
** No “Athletes Yoga this weekend or next weekend.
KB WOD Programming
A) Strength-16 Minutes E.O.M.O.T.M
KB Weighted Step Ups x 5 each leg, alternating sides (20″ / 16″ Box)
Max Effort Unbroken Pull ups
B) For time (8 min cap):
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Kb Snatch/Lunge Combo 55/35
Burpees to 45# plate
(Repeat from 2.16.14-compare scores!)
C) 7 Round: Ab Mania
10 Hollow body upper
10 Hollow body lower
10 Hollow body together
Rest 30 seconds