Week’s Preview: Week 2/4
Tuesday: Hang Power Snatch + Barbell efficiency practice
Wednesday: Wendler Deadlift (w 2) + Partner Workout
Friday: Wendler Strict press (w 2)
Movement Prep: 3 Rounds: 1 Minute on/ 15 sec. off
Kang Squat with Barbell, slow reps
– Pause briefly after completing both the good mornings and squat
– Add weight for rounds 2 and 3 if ready
Side Plank, short lever with leg lift
– 30 seconds each side
Flexed Arm Hang to Active Dead Hang
– Spend as much of the time in flexed arm hang, when fail, transition to Active dead hang for rest of round
– Using a supinated grip
Warmup Sets: Every 2 minutes;
5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Work Sets: Every 2.5 minutes;
3×70%, 3×80%, 90% X Max Reps, Unbroken (Week 2 Goal: 5+ reps)
*Pair with: Weighted Pullups X max quality reps
– Weighted: Goal is 4+ reps for each set!
– Non Weighted: Goal is 8+ reps for each set!
Rest remaining time of each round!
*Record weight used and total number of reps achieved for today’s max effort set!
CF Open WOD: 17.5 (Halfzies)
5 Rounds for time: (7 cap)
9 X Thrusters
35 X Double Unders
– Sub 70 Single unders if needed
*Weight should feel light to moderate. Complete every round of 9 unbroken with whatever weight you choose.
- Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, Feb. 2nd! Email [email protected] to register your spot!
- FREE Community Workout, “Lift & Learn“, Sat. Feb. 1st. 11am-Noon. Register Here!
- Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the facility!