Murph Event + Paleo BBQ + Lincoln Square 1 Year Anniversary Party!
Saturday at Lincoln Square! Heats for Murph start at 7:15am and go to 12:30pm. We are taking 24 people per heat every 45 minutes. More than half the spots are reserved; Please Register ASAP! Party starts at 1pm!

Click here for more info on registering for Murph and our Paleo BBQ Post WOD!

Murph Event this weekend. Bring someone special to cheer YOU on!

Murph Event this weekend. Bring someone special to cheer YOU on!

Boxing and Conditioning with Fernando: 6:30-7:30pm. No equipment or experience needed! Open to all members.

A. Back Squat: 8 Sets of 3, with 1 second pause below parallel
Warmup Sets:
Work sets:
*The working sets are 3% higher this week compared to last week’s 86%. If you were able to complete last weeks efforts with the strict pause below parallel at 86%, add 3% to your working sets. Next week will be a de-load week before we restest our 1rms on week 6.

B. Romanian Deadlift: 65% of 1RM Backsquat
Every other minute on the minute X 4 Rounds
5 reps with pace: 23×0

C. 3 Rounds:
3 Minute Amrap
1-arm KB/DB Thruster 55/35lbs x 7
Strict Pullups X 3
Rest 1 minute
*Recording total rounds completed over 3 rounds.

Erich, Murph Day 2013

Erich, Murph Day 2013