Meat Share this Saturday, March 29th.  Order details here.

Paleo Challenge: Day 22!

Boxing and conditioning with Fernando: 6:30-7:30pm, for all levels, non contact.  Bring equipment if you have it, equipment provided if you dont. Come in for the deep burn!

A. 5 Sets: 30 on/ 30 off
Double Unders
*Recording total DU completed over 5 rounds.

B. Back Squat: 8 Sets, Week 5/5 deload
3 Sets of 5, warmup, building up to 65%
5 Sets of 5 with 1 second pause, 65-75% of 1RM

*If you have been following the last 4 weeks of percentage work; next week you will be re/establishing your 1RM Back squat.

C. 8 Minute Amrap
Snatch Grip Pushpress x 6 95/65lbs
Hang Split Snatch x 6 95/65lbs (alternating)
Bar over burpees x 6
