Week’s Preview: Week 2/4
Tuesday: RDLs
Wednesday: Wendler Benchpress (week 2) + Partner Strength WOD
Friday: Clean & Double Jerk
Wendler: Week 2, Front Squat
When working with a Wendler progression, base your percentages from what is called a “working 1RM”. You can find this number by taking your most current 1RM and multiply it by .9 which will give you 90% of your 1RM which equals your “working 1RM”.
*All percentages below are based on your “working 1RM”
Every 2 minutes;
5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
3×70%, 3×80%, 90% X Max Reps, Unbroken
(Week 2 Goal: A max reps set of 8 or more will put you above your current 1rm)
“Fight Gone Bad” – In Reverse
3 Rounds; Spend 1 minute at each station completing as many reps as possible for one total score.
Row for Calories
Box Jump
Sumo Deadlift HighPull
Rest X 1 minute
- Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, March 8th! Email [email protected] to register!
- FREE Community Workout, “Lift & Learn“, Sat. March. 7th. 11am-Noon. Register Here!
- Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the gym!