Lakeview Training Schedule
8a, 10a, 11a – Team WOD Training
9a – Powerlifting & SWOD
12p – Olympic Lifting, Accessory Training and Mobility (90 min class)
Lincoln Square Training Schedule (Sunday Reminder: KB WOD @ 9a & Yoga at 10a)
10a – Team WOD
Team WOD Details:
TRODO WOD – come in and find out more. You don’t need a team, just show up and get ready to work.
Tabata 1 – Bottom 2 Bottom Squats
Tabata 2 – Coaches Choice
Tabata 3 – Athletes Choice
Powerlifting Details & SWOD:
A) Halting Deadlift to just above knee – sets of 5
B) Squat – 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2
SWOD: 3 rounds at about 80% speed
A) Lunge jumps x6
B) Tricep Banded Push Downs x20
C) 15 Push Ups
** If class time is tight, this needs to be done under the mez after class. Get it done athletes.
Coach Jenny – 0.
Concepter 2 Rower – 1.
** The rower always wins!