Coach David, Coach Matt and Coach Kevin are headed to train with pro-powerlifters from Team Lilliebridge today. Wish them luck and we are sure all three will come back with new coaching skills, programming and movement ideas along with some potential new lifting PR’s themselves. This is the first seminar of many for our coaching team as we continue to develop our coaching staff.
Lakeview Training Schedule
8a, 10a, 11a – Team WODs
9a – Powerlifting & SWOD
12p – Olympic Lifting, accessory training and mobility (90 min class)
Lincoln Square Training Schedule
10a – Team WOD
Team WOD Programming
I: Weighted Lunges – Sets of 6 Each leg followed by 8 – 10 Push Ups
** take the bar from a back rack position out of the squat rack and perform 6 reps on each leg.
** Add weight when you can, don’t go to failure but make sure to challenge yourself on this.
** After every set of lunges move to the turf and knock out 10 perfect push ups.
** 15 Min on this project.
II: 8 Min – Wall Ball Show Down
** Teams of 2
** Partner 1 holds hollow body rock while partner 2 works at the wall ball station.
** Rotate back and forth on the two stations to get as many wall balls as possible.
** Pick one of the goals and try to hit that number. 100 – 130 – 175 – 200
III: 15 Min – Row + Pull Up Ladder
** Teams of 2
R1 – 300m Row + 20 Pull Ups + 10 Burpees
R2 – 300m Row + 30 Pull Ups + 20 Burpees
R3 – 300m Row + 40 Pull Ups + 30 Burpees
R4 – 300m Row + 50 Pull Ups + 40 Burpees
** Keep adding 10 reps to the pull ups & burpees each round until the time is up. Your score is the level you made it to.
Powerlifting Programming
I: Deadlift x5 + Push Ups x8 for 7 Rounds (each round is 2 min)
** Each round is 2 min. You have 2 min to get the work done and then add weight for the next round. Start at about 60% of your deadlift 1 rep max and then jump from there.
II: Close Grip Bench x5 + Box Jumps x3 for 7 Rounds (each round is 2 min)
** Each round is 2 min. You have 2 min to get the work done and then add weight for the next round. Start at about 50% of your bench 1 rep max and then jump from there. Add height to the box jump each round as well. You should get to something that is pretty tall and quite a bit challenging.
III: SWOD – 4 rounds
Bradford Press x8
20 Bicycle Abs (to each side)
15 Strict Pull Ups (band is ok, no kipping please)
Rest 45 sec – 1 Min
** During your rest add weight to the bradford press if you need to. It should be heavy but you should not fail or have to bend your head all weird to get the bar over your mug.