Check the schedule for all CFD Lakeview and CFD Lincoln Square training times and classes.  

1) Nov 2nd Holiday Party Evite – RSVP

2) Register for your Nov. 2nd Fight 2 Give heat HERE.

3) Fight 2 Give Donations – HERE (we have had less than 15% of our CFD population donate or ask for donations.  Step up for a great cause).

TEAM WOD Programming

Part 1 – Accessory WOD for 3 rounds
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Barbell Bicep Curls (65/35)
Flutter Kicks
** 60 Seconds Work followed by 30 Seconds rest for 3 rounds.
** Burpee Box Jump Overs explained: burpee on one side of the box, jump on top and then jump to the other side. You do not have to come to full extension on top of the box. Once you get to the other side, burpee again and repeat.
** We are not recording scores, this is just for solid effort and great form. Instead of trying to get the most reps, think about doing perfect reps. If you need a percentage to work with, then go at this with 75% speed.

Part 2 – 21 min Hustle
Teams of 3: Rotating every minute,
Station 1: Row for max calories
Station 2: Static Wall Sits with plate 45/25lb
Station 3: Farmer’s Carry with DB/KB 70/55lbs for max laps
*Score is total calories and laps completed by team.

Lincoln Square Facebook – give us a thumbs up.

Lakeview Facebook – give us a thumbs up.

9a – Powerlifting & SWOD (at CFD Lakeview, open to all CFD athletes) 

Part 1 – Back Squat – 1 Rep Max test (20m)
* Warm Up – 5 reps @ 30%, 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 50%
* 4 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70% then singles until you find your max.
* Please keep in mind that this is a true 1 rep test.  Partial reps or missed depth do not count.

SWOD (strength WOD) – 5 Rounds
*  DB lateral raise  x 8
* Hammie Hip Up on Med Ball x 12
* Ring or Box Dips x 8 (use a weight dip belt to add resistance if you need it)
5 Rounds, adding weight when you can or need to.   Go at this with 75% speed.  Intensity, form and technique first; speed is not the focus.

Finishing Move -100 Ab Mat Race . . . 3, 2, 1. . . go.

NOTE: We will move into an upper body / bench program with using the SWOD as serious accessory work for your legs, deadlift and squat.  The last 7 weeks have been a squat focus with accessory work focus on the upper body.  We will be switching that starting the week after Fight 2 Give.


Just one of the things that World Sport Chicago does for kids.