Lakeview Schedule:
KBs – 9a, 10a, 11a
Athletes Yoga – 12p
Open Gym – 1p to 3p
Lincoln Square Schedule:
KB WOD – 10a
Mobility – Coaches Choice – 5 Min
Strength / Skill – KB Complex (5 or 6 Rounds)
3 KB 1 Arm Swings
3 KB Cleans
3 KB Lunges w/ the KB in the Front Rack Position
3 KB Split Jerks
KB Complex Details: Go through the complex on the right side rest as needed and then go through on the left side. Add weight to the KB complex when you can. The goal is to get heavier and a little uncomfortable so you can develop your KB movements.
Note: If you can, on the lunges put the KB in an overhead position instead of the front rack.
WOD – #1 – 4 Rounds (12 Min)
1 Min – Max Clean and Jerk Reps on the Right (55/35)
Rest 30 Seconds
1 Min – Max Clean and Jerk Reps on the Left
Rest 30 Seconds
** Pick a rep goal and try to stick with it, something challenging yet a number you can come close to each time.
WOD #2 – 12 min AMRAP
16 two-handed swings to eye level (45/25)
8 Half Burpee Push-Ups (Demo)
WOD #3 – 1000m Row For Time.