Lakeview Schedule
9a & 10a – Kettle Bell WODs
11a to 1p – Open Gym w/ Strongman Certified Coach Kevin

Lincoln Square Schedule
10a – Kettle Bell WOD

Sunday Programming:

Coaches Mobility – 5 Min 

Strength / Skill WOD – 4 rounds (15 min)
KB Clean – 6 reps on the right, 5 reps on the left
KB Side Bends – 12 reps on the right, 12 reps on the left
KB Farmer Carry – 40′ (down, back down, back – 160′ total feet)
KB Goblet Squat – 12 reps

** Details: there are no prescribed weights. Use something that is challenging for you and add weight when you can. You can adjust weights each round, just make sure it is challenging. 15 min to go through this project, 4 times. Think about doing this at about 70 – 75% WOD speed. Form first.

WOD – Chipper + AMRAP (13 Min Cap+ 2 Min Double Unders for Max Reps)
500m Row
40 KB Swings to above head (55/35)
30 Ab Mats
20 Pull Ups
10 KB Push Presses (55/35 – 5 each arm, alternate each rep)

** Details: Finish the chipper in order as fast as you can with perfect form, when you are done you have 2 min to get as many double unders as possible. If you do not have double unders, than you have 2 min for double under practice, also to get as many as possible. Your WOD score is the time it took to get all the work done + your double rep count. For example, 11m 36s + 55.
