Cubs ticket winners will be emailed today at 12:01p.  There is time to donate. . .  

9a, 10a, 11a – KB WODs
12p – 2p – Open Gym
* no simulated long run WOD at 8a.

Lincoln Square:
10a – KB WOD

Sunday Programming – “Every 2 Minuntes”

Warm Up – 5 min

Coaches Choice Mobility Piece – 5 min

WOD 1 – Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform: (5 rds)
9 Cal Row
10 SDHP 70/55
8 V-Ups

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform: (5rds)
9 Cal Row
10 KB Swings (above head) 70/55
8 V ups

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform: (5 rds)
9 Cal Row
10 Alt KB Snatches (heaviest KB possible; 5 each side)
8 V-Ups

WOD Details:
1) Take a short rest (1 – 2 min) in between each WOD to get set up and catch your wind.
2) Finish the Row, KB work and V-Ups in 2 min. If you finish before the 2 min then rest what ever time you have left. At the top of the 2 min mark start back over.