Lakeview Sunday Training Schedule:
9a, 10a, 11a – KB Classes w/ Coach Laura
12p – 2p – Open Gym

Lincoln Square Sunday Training Schedule:
10a – KB Classes w/ Coach Jenny

1) Strength/Abs – 10 – 12 minutes.

** Single Leg RDL with KB. Sets of 5 each side. Add weight as desired.
** Alternate between sets with 10 KB Sit  ups (holding kb with straight arms above chest while laying down, then sit up and bring kb overhead) – add weight as desired.
** 5 – 6 rounds to be completed.

WOD #1: 12 Min AMRAP

3, 6, 9, 12 . . . reps of:

KB Squat with KB in front rack position followed by a split jerk.
30 second plank.

** Details:  3 KB Squats then 3 KB Split Jerks on the right side and 3 on the left side followed by a 30 second plank.  Round two would have 6 reps of a KB squat followed by 6 Split Jerks on each side followed by a 30 second plank and round 9 would have 9 on each side and so on.  Must complete all reps on one side before moving over to the opposite side.   This is a 12 min AMRAP.  Go as far through the ladder as you can increasing by 3 each round.

WOD #2 – 12 Min – EMOTM (every minute on the minute)

** EMOTM perform 4 burpee box jumps 24/20
** Fill remainder of minute with max KB Swings 55/35
** Score is total # of swings
