Lakeview Training:
9a, 10a, 11a – KB WODs
12p to 1p – Athletes Yoga w/ Maggie
1p to 3p – Open Gym

Lincoln Square Training:
10a Athletes Yoga

KB Programming Details:

5 Min Coaches Choice Mobility

Strength / Skill (13 min):
KB Windmill x5 followed by Barbell Rollout x8
Details: use the time to go back and forth between the two movements. Solid work, focus on the movement rather than speed. Challenge yourself with the weight of the KB on the windmill.

WOD #1 (12 min)
35/25 KB Box Step Ups (20″)
Double Unders / Singles (or Double and Single Combo)
Ring Dips / Box Dips
4 Rounds – 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off

Details: go for solid hard work, this is not a race for the most reps.  It is a time to work on strength / endurance.  Really try to maintain consistent work through all rounds. No need to record your reps, but it is a good idea to count your reps from each round so you have a goal number to hit each time.

WOD #2 – 5 rounds for time of (15 min cap):
75 Double Unders (150 singles) to start the WOD then . .
15 – KB Swings to above head 55/35
15 – Ab Mats
15 – KB Sumo DL High Pull 55/35
Rest 60 seconds

Details: start the WOD with your jump rope, once you finish your reps you then have 5 rounds of the above. Go hard, no pacing and just get your work done as aggressive as you can.

