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Team WOD Programming:
A. EMOTM 12 mins – Volume work
4 Rounds of the following
Min 1: 5 x Heavy BS
Min 2-3: 1 x Round of Cindy Sprint effort (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
** 2 mins to complete Cindy and get ready for next set of squats
***scaled options for Cindy should include jumping pull-ups or ring rows
B. 4 Rounds for max reps
1 min at each station
Station 1: KB swings 55/35
Station 2: 20′ Cone to Cone sprints
Station 3: DB Push Press 55/35
Station 4: Row for Cal
Station 5: Rest
Powerlifting & SWOD (at CFD Lakeview – 9a)
I: Heavy 10 Rep Squat
II: Seated Barbell, DB, KB Press x8 + Abs
III: Russian KB Swing x15 + 200m row for 4 rounds. 90% speed.