Reminder that on Sunday Open Gym is at CFD LS from 12p – 3p for all athletes. This will also be the time to do the 14.2 Games Open WOD and any other programming that you would like to do.
Team WOD Programming:
5 rounds: 1 min at each station / 2 min rest
KB Swings to above head 55/35
Box Jump 20/20
Row for Cals
Burpees to 45lb Plate
Wall Balls 20/14
Rest (2 min)
Powerlifting Programming @ LV – 9a
Part I: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 2 reps of Back Squat working to a heavy 2 (15 min)
** no failed reps! Work smart and make sure training partners spot one another by watching depth.
Part II: 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Push Press Reps (15 min)
** work to a heavy 3 with the rep count. The push press will limit what you can do on the HPC. You should be able to get 7 sets in during the time allowed.
3 rounds of: 40 sec on / 20 sec off
Med Ball Abs + Toss to Wall 14/10
Push Ups
Lunge Steps (45/25lb plate above head)