Fight 2 Give Fundraiser shirts are in.  We sold over 75 yesterday.  They are $25 and all the money raised from the shirts goes straight to the fundraiser.  A lot of athletes donated more which was amazing to see, someone even paid $75 for a shirt.   Grab one and help support World Sport Chicago & The Wounded Warrior Project.

1) Yoga Reminder – this Sunday at 12p.  Open gym is from 1p to 3p on Sunday.

2) Group Acupuncture starting up again.  Thursday 10/3 from 8-9pm with Jeanette.  Contact Cara ([email protected]) for more info and/or to hold your spot.  Limited registration each week for 12 athletes only.

3) Steve the Meat Man gave us some surprise meat to say thank you for all the previous orders.  We are one of his largest customers and the easiest to work with as well.  If you would like some meat give us a shout.  We have ham, steaks, roasts, sirloin sausages and ground hamburger.

On to our day. . .

Thursday Open Gym Day

There is a coach or two at every class to help offer technique pointers and cues for each athlete. You can work on a missed workout from Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or you can work on a skill that you would like to improve. Either way a coach is there to give you a hand.


5:30a, 6:30a, 12p, 4p, 5p, 6p – Open Gym Times

6p – Gymnastics Conditioning – NO CLASS THIS EVENING – COACK KARA IS OUT OF TOWN.
** One of the best classes of the week.  No talent needed.  Just show up and improve your game.

7p – Olympic Lifting Instruction w/ Coach Laura
** Lifting heavy and super mobility are not required. Just a healthy attitude and the interest to improve the clean, jerk and snatch.

7p – Endurance will meet Thursday at the Barry and Lakeshore Drive Location at 7:00 p.m. All workouts will be scaled for anyone new to endurance.


5p, 6p, 7p – Open Gym Times

** All CFD LS athletes are encouraged to take the specialty classes at LV today. Regardless of experience.

Pa – Pa – Paleoooo Hot Links.  Grass Fed too!

Chicago-Land CrossFit League – “TRODO”.  2 Guys / 2 Girls. . . game on.

CrossFit. . . fighting the good fight. 

This is what my dad and my 5 brothers are getting for x-mas.


Jay & Alex post WOD. This photo is just amazing. Congrats this past weekend you two. CFD is proud of you!