“Life Lifting” with Coach Kevin: 8-9pm 

**Coach Cara is performing this week with “The Seldoms” CLICK HERE, if you are interested in purchasing tickets to see her perform! **

A. Snatch Balance: 10 sets of 2
Beginners: 10 Sets of 2.
*Get heavier than last attempt on 4/9.

**Perform 10-15 overhead band pulls following each set**

B. For time-
75 Power Snatches: 75/55lbs
-10 minute time cap
*Compare results to 7.31.13

C. Bonus Round: Optional
3-5 Rounds:
Handstand Hold X 30 seconds
Med Ball Twists X 60 seconds 14/10lb
Rest as needed between rounds

The Seldoms, Coach Cara.

The Seldoms, Coach Cara.