Schedule Reminder:
5:30am WOD
Noon WOD
5pm WOD
6pm WOD
7pm WOD

Outdoor Endurance Cancelled: (Lakeview).  The Coach is not feeling well, look for this class next week.

7pm Mobility Class: (lakeview) Focus on Mid-back; Lats and Thoracic spine!  Lincoln square athletes are welcome to attend.

A. Take 12 minutes-
Double Under mini-workshop:  If you have your own jumprope, bring it in today, if you dont, feel free to use one of ours or purchase one from our retail area and fit it to your height before class!
Beginners: Basic technique and body control, practice makes perfect
Intermediate: 3 rounds: 1 minute on, 1 minute off, Max effort Double under attempts
Advanced: Tabata 20 on/ 10 off for 8 rounds
*Score is total number of completed Doubles.

B1. Take 10 minutes-
Build up to 80% of your 1RM Conventional Deadlift

B2. Take 10 minutes-
5 Sets of 3 @ 80%, Rest 1 minute

C. For time:
Power Cleans 135/95lbs
Hand Release Pushups
*7 minute time cap

Relaxing in Saturday Endurance

Relaxing in Saturday Endurance