Pushup Challenge Week 4
4 Days On/3 Days Off
3 Sets of your Avg.: 2 minute rests
**Monday, 1/6/14 we will be starting the first week of Cycle 2. We will establish a new base for our working average. If you are following this challenge make sure to keep on top of your upper body mobility throughout this next Cycle!
If any athletes have any feedback they wish to share, please email [email protected]
Holiday Schedule:
Tuesday 12/31: Classes at 9am, Noon and 5pm
Wednesday 1/1: Closed
Thursday 1/2: Normal hours
Come on in for the last wod of 2013! Pick a class time that works for you and come in and hit it hard! Off set your Holiday eating with some good hard work!
A. 15 minute Challenge:
Thruster: Find your heavy 2!!
B. !Team Morrison!
Teams of 2
Wallballs 20/14lbs
Box Jumps 24/20″
Kb Swing 55/35lbs
Wod Explained: In teams of 2 with only 1 partner working at a time, move through the stations and rep schemes as fast as possible. There is a 25 minute time cap on this WOD.
**If your team finishes before the 25 minute time cap, you have the option to complete as many Double unders as possible between you and your partner in the time remaining. Every Double under counts as 1 point or 1 second off your final WOD time. Only 1 person working at a time!