Week’s Preview: Week 2/4
Wednesday: Wendler Benchpress (week 2) + Partner Strength WOD
Friday: Clean & Double Jerk

EMOTM X 5 Rounds: (10 minutes)
Min 1: RDL with tempo X 3 reps
– Building to approx. 80% of C&J established on week 1 on this cycle!
– Tempo: 3 down, 1 pause in bottom
Min 2: Handstand Hold in Hollow using wall X 30 sec.

3 X Working Sets: Every 3.5 minutes;
RDL with tempo X 5 reps
1/2 Kneeling Single Arm Press X 10-12 reps (heavy)
1/2 Kneeling KB Chop X 30 sec. each side (moderate)
– Low to high chop

4 or 5 Rounds for time: (12 minute cap)
30 X Double Unders
– Optimize to 60 X Singles if needed
20 X Air Squats
10 X Hang Power Snatch, unbroken (light)
Rest 1 minute


  • Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, March 8th! Email [email protected] to register! 
  • FREE Community Workout, “Lift & Learn“, Sat. March. 7th. 11am-Noon. Register Here! 
  • Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the gym!