Schedule Changes and Additions Coming Soon to Lincoln Square: 11 ADDED CLASSES
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30am WOD time, starting Nov. 4th.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8pm WOD time, starting Dec. 2nd.
Friday: 7pm WOD time, starting Dec. 6th.
Saturday: 9am Endurance Team WOD, starting Dec. 7th
Weekly Mobility Workshop with Coach Cara: Starting Nov. 6th, Wednesdays 7pm
Weekly Olympic Lifting Technique Class: Starting Dec. 5th, Thursdays 7pm
This Week:
8PM Lincoln Square Endurance Class with Coach Mark Peterson: Come on in and see what the fuss is about! What to expect? Rowing, indoor running, and everything else that will make you fast!
7pm Lakeview Mobility: Focus will be on internal/external hip rotation. How to add torque to stabilize your squat! (Lincoln Square athletes are welcome to attend)
A. Take 20 minutes-
Wendler(Plus) Week 1:
Warmup Sets: 5×40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
Work Sets: 5×65%, 5×75%, 85%x max reps
Plus Sets: 85%x3x3, rest 1 minute
We are starting another linear progression on the Deadlift using the Wendler approach. This time around we will be performing a “Wendler Plus Cycle.” The linear progression of percentages are identical to the regular Wendler program each week with the exception of the “Plus Sets”.
We will still perform 1 “max reps set” at the end of every work set each week and that is the number we will be recording. The “Plus Sets” will immediately follow our max reps set. We will take that same weight and perform 3 sets of 3.
B. For time:
100 Thrusters 95/65lbs
*15 minute cap
**Last performed on 9.5.12, click here to see that post!
C. Bonus Round: Optional
Back Extensions with Barbell: 100 reps
You choose weight used an number of sets and reps needed to complete