1) Nov 2nd Holiday Party Evite – RSVP as soon as possible. We need a head count by Wednesday.
2) Register for your Nov. 2nd Fight 2 Give heat HERE.
3) Fight 2 Give Donations – HERE (we have had less than 15% of our CFD population donate or ask for donations. Step up for a great cause).
7pm Lakeview Mobility Class: Soft tissue work, ungluing your Posterior Chain: glutes, hamstrings and calves. (LS athletes are welcome to attend)
A. E.O.M.O.T.M: 12 Rounds (6 at each)
Odd Minutes: Pushpress @ 155/105lbs, Max reps: 30 on/30 off
Even Minutes: Strict Chin-ups, Max reps: 30 on/30 off
Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform max reps push press at weight chosen for 30 seconds. On even rounds perform max reps strict chin-ups. Alternate between the two stations for 12 minutes or 6 rounds each.
B. For time: 5 Rounds
Power Clean 135/95lbs X 5
Power Jerk 135/95lbs X 10
Toes to Bar X 20
Rest 1 minute
*15 minute cap