7pm Lincoln Square Mobility with Coach Cara: Cancelled.
**Coach Cara is performing this week with “The Seldoms” CLICK HERE, if you are interested in purchasing tickets to see her performance! **
A. Bench Press: 5 Sets or less
Take 5 Sets or less to build up to 65% of your 1RM
B. 5 Rounds:
Bench Press 65% X Max unbroken reps
Hamstring Death march with KB/DB X 1 minute
Rest as needed between rounds
*Recording total benchpress reps completed unbroken and weight used over 5 rounds.
C. 12 minute Amrap
Conventional Deadlift 155/100lbs X 9
Pushups X 12
Box Jumps 24/20″ X 15
*Recording total rounds and reps completed.