Schedule Update:
5:30am WOD
Noon WOD New class!
5pm WOD New class!
6pm WOD
7pm WOD
7:30pm Onramp Team Thruster


1.) Lincoln Square Grand Opening and Murph Event + BBQ + Paleo Potluck: Registration is now open for Murph. We are filling up quick on the spaces and heats. We are working on adding more heats, more spots for each heat and possibly more pullup cage to accommodate more athletes! Stay tuned for additional registration space.  Please email [email protected] if you have any questions!


2.) Meat Share – Order deadline is this Thursday Aug 10th by 10am(pickup this Saturday between 11-1pm, Lakeview) 
**If you cannot pick up your MEAT on Saturday we will be able to hold it till Monday for pickup!

3.) Outdoor Yoga with Maggie Nelson, this Sunday. Check website for more details!

4.) Next Paleo Challenge: September. Details to come!

5.) Last Summer Beach WOD, 3rd Installment: Saturday 8/31. Check website for details.

A. Take 20 minutes-
3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Jerk (any style)

B. Not for time Circuit: Rotate every 3 minutes
1. Banded Sprints with partner
2. Turkish Get-ups with KB or Barbell
3. Strict Toes to bar skill work

Bradley leading the pack!

Bradley leading the pack!