Week’s Preview: Week 4/4
Friday: The “Big Clean or Big Snatch Complex”
Back Squat
– 4 reps + 1 rep with 10 second hold
– 10 second hold in bottom position
– 15 minutes, building to heavy for the day.
*Every 5 minutes perform the following; (3 Rounds)
Active Hang in Hollow X 30 seconds or
Kip Swing practice (Hollow arch/ Superman extension) X 30 seconds
15 Minute Amrap (Strength/Metcon)
21-15-9 reps of the following;
Chest to Bar Pullups
Tall Box Jumps
with remaining time, complete Amrap of the following;
Pushups to Abmat X 10 reps
Jumping Lunges X 20 reps
Plank X :30 seconds
- Next Foundations Session: Starting Sunday, Feb. 16th! Email [email protected] to register your spot! (6 spots left)
- FREE Community Workout, “Lift & Learn“, Sat. March. 7th. 11am-Noon. Register Here!
- Book a “No Sweat” Intro session Here to set up an in person meeting with one of our coaches and tour of the facility!