30 Day Paleo Challenge: Day 24! 6 Days left!

7pm Lincoln Square Mobility Focus: These next 2 weeks we will cover STABILITY & Recovery. This weeks focus is on Shoulder Prehab & Rehab. Getting your muscles to work with you not against you. Accessory lifts and small muscle groups of the upper body.

Why Grass fed Beef is a completely different food than Grain fed Beef! Click to read!

Meat Share Order Link!  Get in your order by Thursday 10am latest!

A. G.P.P: 3 Rounds not for time
Row 250 meters AFAP DL: 2,7,10
Pistols, alternating x 8-12 reps
Hs Kickups with 2 second holds x 10 reps

B. Power Jerk + Split Jerk: (1+1)
75-85% X 8 sets

C. 3 Rounds for time:
Row 350 meters
Thrusters 95/65lbs X 15 reps
Rest 30 seconds
*12 minute cap

Gearing up with Boxing Coach, "Fast Talking Fernando!"

Gearing up with Boxing Coach, “Fast Talking Fernando!”