7pm Mobility with Coach Cara: Focus will be on upper back and shoulders and how proper mobility/stability can not only increase range of motion but injury proof the shoulder girdle.
A. 10 Round Tabata Mashup: 20 on/ 10 off
Hollow body rocks
Superman extensions
B. E.O.M.O.T.M: 12 minutes
Odd minutes: Russian KB Swings 70/55lbs 30 on/30 off
Even minutes: Lateral Jumping Lunges 30 on/30 off
Volume work (V): On all odd minutes perform max reps russian kb swings for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds. On all even minutes perform max reps lateral jumping lunges for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds. Continue in this fashion alternating between the 2 stations for 12 minutes or 6 rounds at each.
C. 20 minute amrap
300 Meter Row
1 minute Accumulation in a Handstand Hold
1 minute Farmer’s Carry – AHAP
1 minute rest