A. E.O.M.O.T.M- 16 Rounds
Odd minutes: Push press 135/95lbs, max effort, 30 seconds on/30 seconds off
Even minutes: Unbroken Bar/Ring Muscle ups or Pullups, max effort, 30 seconds on/30 seconds off
Volume work (V): On all odd rounds perform max reps pushpress at weight chosen for 30 seconds. On even rounds perform max reps unbroken Bar/Ring Muscle ups or Pullups. Alternate between the two stations for 16 minutes or 8 rounds each.
B. Team WOD: Teams of 2
20 minute Amrap
Station 1: Row for distance
Station 2: Amrap of the following
6 Burpees
12 Kb Swings 55/35lbs
18 KB front rack lunges 55/35lbs
*Score is total number of rounds and reps completed in Amrap.
WOD notes: Every 5 minutes the distance needed to be completed in order to change stations will increase by 50 meters.
First 5 minutes- 100 meters
2nd 5 minutes -150 meters
3rd 5 minutes- 200 meters
Last 5 minutes- 250 meters