Defined @ Home Workout-

4 Rounds: Every 4 minutes, perform the following; (16 minutes)
10 X Stagger Stance RDL – Video
– Perform on each side
– Take 2-3 seconds on the lowering phase for every rep
10 X Weighted Wide Stance Good Mornings – Video
– Take 2-3 seconds on the lowering phase for every rep
– Load with goblet or weight on upper back
10 X Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge – Video
– Perform on each side
1 Minute X Reverse Plank – Video
Rest remaining of each round!

Coaches’ Notes:
Spend 4 minutes each round working your way through this posterior chain circuit. The goal is to have approx. 30-45 seconds left of each round for rest.
*Stagger Stance RDL: Choose the heaviest weight you can work with and move slowly through 10 reps focusing more on the negative or down portion of each rep. The front leg should feel most of the work. Perform on each side. See video!
*Weighted Wide Stance Good Mornings: Load this movement with weight in goblet position or on your upper back. Choose a DB, KB, plate, weighted backpack, anything you can find in the house that challenges you! See video!
*Elevated SL Glute Bridge: Use a height no more than 16″ off the ground. A small box or side of your couch will work. Tuck the tailbone and drive the hip to the ceiling with each rep. Make sure not to overextend in the lower back. See video!
*Reverse Plank: Roll the shoulders back, tuck the tailbone and drive your hips to the ceiling while driving through the heels of both the hands and feet. This can be scaled to a Reverse Plank Bridge if needed. – Video

Tabata Mashup: 20 On/ 10 OFF X 8 Rounds (16 minutes)
Sumo Deadlift HighPull – Video
1/2 Kneeling Chop, low to high, left – Video
1/2 Kneeling Chop, low to high, right 
– Optimize up: Perform from a Split Stance lunge position with back knee hovering 2-4″ off ground.
Mountain Climber Twist – Video

Coaches’ Notes:
For 8 rounds, move through the movements above as a circuit, working for 20 seconds, resting for 10 seconds.
*Sumo Deadlift HighPull: Using a kb, db, weighted backpack or anything you can find in the house that challenges you. See video!
*1/2 Kneeling Chop:
Using a kb, db or anything you can find that challenges you. Keep arms locked out while moving weight from a low to high position. The lower body does not move. Increase difficulty by performing this movement from a split stance lunge position with your back knee hovering 2-4″ off ground. See video!

Mobility X 5 Minutes

Couch Stretch for the hip flexors and quads! – Video
Spend 2 minutes per side!